Vim konfiguracja

Vim jako środowisko deweloperskie
c.vim : C/C++ IDE plugin The key mappings of this plugin
Use Vim like an IDE

Kilka przydatnych ustawień, które można dodać do pliku ~/.vimrc

" detect the type of file
filetype on

" load filetype plugins
filetype plugin on

" syntax highlighting on
syntax on

" command-line completion operates in an enhanced mode
set wildmenu

" use mouse everywhere
set mouse=a

" don't make noise on error messages
set noerrorbells

" show matching brackets for a moment
set showmatch

" how automatic formatting is to be done 
set formatoptions=tcrqn

" take indent for new line from previous line
set autoindent

" smart autoindenting for C programs
set smartindent

" do c-style indenting
set cindent

" tab spacing (settings below are just to unify it)
set tabstop=8

" unify
set softtabstop=8

" unify
set shiftwidth=8

" real tabs please!
set noexpandtab

" do not wrap lines
set nowrap

" use tabs at the start of a line, spaces elsewhere
set smarttab

Kilka przydatnych wtyczek: